Friday 11 November 2011

American Politics And The Second Coming Of The Tea Party: Part 1 Of A 2 Part Series

!±8± American Politics And The Second Coming Of The Tea Party: Part 1 Of A 2 Part Series

"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself." ---Alexander Hamilton

The past 50 years of American politics are vastly different from the first 50 years of American politics. The Founding Fathers were charged with framing a Constitution and building a free nation that could be self-perpetuating. One that could offer hopes and promises, which is now known as The American Dream. Major politicians in the United States over the past 50 years have been concerned with fighting communism, expanding and protecting which by any definition should be considered an Empire, and quite frankly, by maintaining office and performing damage control due to failed policies of the past and a massive surge in the population. Still, one thing remains the same going back to the birth of this nation: cliques and sects of politicians aligned by political similarities have worked together in parties to amass political power and sway. Today we only know of the Democrats (liberals) and Republicans (conservatives), with the occasional Independent popping up in a Presidential or Gubernatorial race.

This piece, part one of a two-part series, will delve into the history of politics and political parties in the United States, exploring political alignments up to the prevailing parties and the emergence of the hybrid "Tea Party" that has recently dominated headlines. This unsatisfied modern Tea Party pays homage to the Boston Tea Party, who dumped English tea in the Boston Harbor on December 16th, 1773. As the nation grows weary of an ever-expanding government, increasing regulation, increased spending and a tax bill that seems as hungry as The Blob from the 50's horror movie of the same name, it's good to see new, more rebellious parties crawl out of the woodwork. Frankly, it takes us back to our origins, when our forefathers questioned the way that we as a people were governed and decided to do something about it. They would govern themselves.

The major rift between the Founding Fathers (men like Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton) and King George began to come to a boiling point between 1763 and 1769. The king began to encroach on American colonists' independence. He realized that the colonists, who were left largely to their own devices, had thrived. Their population and trade booming, King George decided he wanted a bigger piece of the action. He instituted a policy of taxation without representation. He began taxing trade and goods and even tea! We Americans were largely of British descent. We liked our tea. What sort of monstrosity was this monarch, to mess with a person's tea?

By 1770, tensions between Britain and the colonies worsened, and tempers flared, as well. Americans began to grumble about oppression and liberty, though gaining independence was no small task. Many feared independence and retribution from the massive British military power. They just wanted an ease in taxation or a representative in the British government. Others, like Patrick Henry, famously wanted "Liberty or Death!"

Ultimately violence erupted, which led to typical political wrangling as Britain and the colonies geared for war. The long year of 1775 was filled with prose, rhetoric and threats from both sides. By 1776, the War for Independence had begun. Since most people are aware of the outcome of that war, we'll skip through the war itself. Needless to say, The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were signed, and the war was underway, full swing, until October 1781 in Yorktown, Virginia when General Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington. The Treaty of Paris was officially signed on September 3, 1783, and we were a nation. On the other hand, what sort of government was to run this new, young nation? Would it be a rogue gathering of city states with a myriad of individualized rules and state laws, or would it be a united federalized government? These were the two options, and those who aligned on each side of this argument formed the first real American political parties. The Founding Fathers had to agree on and formulate a Constitution and give this country an agreeable framework to build upon.

Nevertheless the Founding Fathers wanted to do this the right way. They wanted to establish a new order of the ages with the United States Constitution. The proposition that "all men are created equal" had never before been the basis of a government. Regal blood and might formed the ruling class of countries until that point in history, not merely common men. The framers wanted to devise a government based on an objective standard of justice to be served equally to one and all, a government to serve and protect a people who were to be self-governed.

Over the progression of the history of the United States, there have been two main political "sides" or views, whatever the party names might be. Parties are based on degrees of these views. One is either liberal or conservative in their beliefs, or some combination of the two. The basis of these two core philosophies is what all parties are formed around. The Founding Fathers created the first parties based on States Rights. These parties were known as Anti-Federalists, in favor of state's rights, and Federalists, who were in favor of a binding, unified central government. Through the centuries, as parties have morphed and issues and party names have changed and grown, these two parties have developed into what we now know as the Democrats (in favor of big central government) and the Republicans (in favor of a much smaller federal government). As there is no chance of disbanding the federal government, the argument is now about having more or less federal government, not a federal government or no federal government at all, but the core principles are the same.

In fact, most of the Founding Fathers didn't think very highly of political parties at all. They'd be aghast if they saw the spectacle that is a Presidential election today. Nonetheless, many of the framers found themselves affiliated with one political party or the other during their government careers, because it is the nature of a voter to liken politicians to a specific party. As parties in American politics developed one party would gain and hold power for many years much like the Republican and Democratic parties of today. Over the years, we have had 5 major parties at the forefront of our political machine in the United States.

The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists were our first 2 prominent parties. They reigned from 1796 to 1828. The Federalists believed in strong centralized government, industrialization, the creation of a national bank, and government controlled and constructed roads and canals. The Anti-Federalists disagreed across the board. Good old American rebellious bickering ensued. The Anti-Federalists strongly supported the rights of the states, favored farming, and wanted to keep the government's hands out of building roads and canals. The Federalists fought for and ratified the Constitution on June 21st, 1778. However, the Anti Federalists, who became the Democratic-Republican Party, eventually gained influence over the American people and weakened the Federalists into obscurity by 1824.

In part two of this two-part series, we'll explore the history of political parties and introduce the evolution of what is a two-party system in the United States. We'll also cover the existing political party landscape inside the beltway today.

American Politics And The Second Coming Of The Tea Party: Part 1 Of A 2 Part Series

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Saturday 5 November 2011

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Sunday 9 October 2011

Is The United States Neo-Fascist?

!±8± Is The United States Neo-Fascist?

We? If we compare the U.S. with descriptors of fascist states.

1 They are very nationalistic. Often display flags, pennants and pins, as well as repetitive popular slogan. They often show pride in the military. Their suspicions of foreign convictions often borders xenophobia.

We tend to nationalism, and do not consider extreme. Our idea of ​​national exceptionalism dates all the way to the founders. Recently, Mr. Obamafor the criticism has come when a statement appeared to denigrate our unique location. It was quite exceptional is closely related to fascism, and I suppose that come from nature, all fascist states also assume the outstanding position as a natural. Although probably not on the scale of the original fascist states, we see that our flag (where I live, is not entirely uncommon to see the Confederate flag in front of houses). At the time of Operation Desert Storm, was unusualNOT see yellow ribbons everywhere to support our troops. Pins are common to politicians, but a sort of symbol on hats, shirts, or what ever so ubiquitous as to be little reason to notice. We do not want to exaggerate catchy slogans, but they are definitely a factor in our society, such as "America, Love It or Leave It", "Buy American", "Made in America by Americans," "You Can have My Gun When gently from my cold, dead fingers "," Support Our Troops ", and many others. ConsideringPride in the military already central to our culture, because certainly the Spanish-American War. It took a dip relatively mild during our misadventure in Vietnam, but most people blame the government puts a lot of "experts", but the support of the military is alive and well. Support for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is overwhelming, and our willingness to pay very high taxes to support all the military probably has passed all military spendingother great powers combined. Support for our military gets a strong YES. The demands for unity were probably more common a few decades (think America, Love It or Leave It), but we have so many different ethnic groups now that the feeling of unity and expression is likely to be relatively low compared to Average fascist society. Unit seems to be particularly high among ethnic Mexicans in the Southwest and particularly in Southern California. Usually root for the teams and not Mexicanas the home team in international sports competition. I think we are missing when it comes to suspicion of foreigners or xenophobia. Joint products have come a better chance from abroad, as a product in this country and do not consider ourselves very strong in this dimension. Overall, I rate this dimension 8

2 They play down human rights, which they see as an obstacle to achieving the objectives of the ruling class. Through the skillful use of propaganda, secrecy, denial,misinform the public and accepts almost all human rights violations.

We lost a lot of human rights. In fact, the government deprived us of our rights more quickly and completely after 9 / 11 that we need to describe our government as it exists today quite fascist, and I do not see a return of 9 / 11 Company cards for everyone. As presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to repeal the Patriot Act, but extends it. Obviously its controller than drivenit promises. There is expectation that our government is determined to walk fanatically us to our second amendment gun rights Strip, through the UN if it could not progress through its own mechanisms. Not only ordinary citizens lose their rights under the Patriot Act, quickly accepted, knowing that a large majority of deputies and law enforcement personnel do not even know what subject to such acts. Unfortunately I think many of our "guaranteed" the constitutional rights are gone forever.Overall, I think that such "civil" rights such as racial equality before the law, retain the right to access to public places and schools, but the relationship between government and governed is definitely back Fascist planes. The government must also be physically intrusive irrational in their search for safety. The use of propaganda to justify the loss of rights has been minimal or nonexistent, but the government has full use of the secret, made the denial, andDisinformation. I reluctantly to our society in the present and the rate for the near future, as a 9 on a scale of 1 to 10

3 The main similarity between these regimes is the use of scapegoating as a means to divert people's attention from more important issues to blame for the failure and frustration in controlled directions channel. Target scapegoats, usually include communists, socialists, liberals, Jews, ethnic and racial minorities, traditionalnational enemies, members of other religions, lay people, homosexuals and "terrorists".

The Bush administration began with the words "Islamic terrorists", "Islamic fundamentalists", "Islamofascism" and similar expressions are almost the Twin Towers of the World hit the ground. The "War on Terrorism" is commonly understood as the terrorist "Islamic." The Obama administration is just as irrational to go to the opposite extreme, which removes all state agencies, the term "Islamic"from any connection to terrorism and the use of the term "war on terrorism" refrain. Probably by coincidence, rather than accurate information, Obama's actions were more properly the show, as recent data suggest that four Muslims were involved, two professional pilots at any level. Current theory suggests that the pilots were four Muslim converts to Islam in northern Europe, and could not resist surveillance tapes .. I would say are pretty cleanin this respect, about a 6.

4. The military and avid militarism is highly regarded. A disproportionate share of national resources is allocated to the military, even when domestic needs are acute. The military is an expression of nationalism, and is used extensively to reinforce national goals, intimidate other nations, and increase the power and prestige of the ruling elite.

The United States has historically from the Founding on fit this description very closely. The general public has always been supportive and admiring of the military, but it was not until President Eisenhower warned about the danger of the power of the "military-industrial complex" that most Americans really became conscious of the close ties between 'big business" and big military. In short, the public does not seem to make a sharp distinction between military and non-military, but assumes that everyone will do his/her duty when called on. The military is regarded favorably but not especially worshiped. We definitely rank high on this facet, probably an 8.

5. Sexism is common, as the political elite and the national culture are male-dominated, and women are regarded as second-class citizens. These societies are adamantly anti-abortion and also homophobic. Draconian laws receive strong support by the orthodox religion, thus providing cover for the ruler's abuses.

Historically, women were not looked on as second class citizens but as a different type of citizens. Almost any change fosters resistance, but when women decided they wanted into the professions and more involvement in business and government they got it. The role of women was changing before World War II, but with the advent of the war and the loss of males from the workforce, women simply moved into where they were needed. The defining symbol was Rosie the Riveter, but women moved almost seamlessly into wherever they were needed. Perhaps the most symbolic example of their ability to do whatever was necessary was the military's dependence on female aircrews to ferry planes from the U.S to England across the north Atlantic. After the war many settled down with their new families, but many stayed in business and the professions. Women appeared in Congress in any force soon after the war and moved into important positions, especially in "feminine" areas such as health care, education, and social services. We have had several women governors, a female vice-presidential candidate who proved very popular with the public and a serious female presidential hopes for that lost support when a male "invisible forces" proved extremely popular with voters. Ironically, it has clearly been less successful than his opponent would be regulated. We had several women cabinet members and ambassadors. One of the largest newspapers has been led by a woman, and the fabulous success of e-Bay was founded by a woman. In a society like England thansuccessful Prime Ministers was a very formidable woman. Women have achieved general officer status in the military. If we ever were a truly sexist society, that time is long past. We obviously rank very low on this factor, about 2.

6. Under some of the regimes, the mass media are under strict direct control, and never stray from the party line. Other regimes exercise more subtle power to ensure media orthodoxy. The leaders of the mass media are often politically compatible with the power elite. The result is usually success in keeping the general public unaware of the regimes' excesses.

We have traditionally prided ourselves on the freedom of the press, but in reality the government asserted the influence it wanted with a "velvet hand." On the more assertive side it controlled licensing and guidelines for content, but it managed the press most effectively by the granting or withholding "access" of the media to government sources. Most of the media people largely shared the political philosophy of those in government and tended to mirror the beliefs of those in power. This is especially true of Democrats, who at least from the Great Depression onward tended to be relatively liberal. Many in the media were very comfortable with this and were more than willing to reflect the views favored by Washington. Some of them are allowed to attend the annual meetings of the Bilderberers, the nearly invisible group of multi-billionaires who in reality govern all economically valuable portions of the world. They dominate the world's economies, and therefore the governments, so completely that they back both sides during elections. Either choice is their lackey. Ownership of the major media is so extensive that the mainstream media have willingly reflected the views of government, and we generally accept the slant our media put on events as though it were real news. That's not to say that government always managed to control the media. There are and always have been radio and TV stations, magazines, newspapers and other media with political orientations in opposition to Washington. At present they seem to be tolerated by government. However, if they seriously questioned the position of the elite's messages, they would quickly be taxed, over regulated, limited in their broadcast areas, and experience problems in renewing their licenses. As a result, our media comply pretty closely to the views of government and its shadow controllers, and I would rate us high, 9, on this factor.

7. Inevitably, a strong national security apparatus is under the direct control of the ruling elite. It usually enforces oppression, operates in secret and ignores any constraints. "National security" justifies anything. Questioning its activities is considered unpatriotic or even treasonous.

We rate very high regarding an obsession with national security, and have several national security organizations. Until lately, however, these Agencies have been just a little 'oppressive to the people. This relatively benign group of agencies now spread to almost aggressive, offensive, absolutely illegal operations of 9 / 11 disaster. U.S. citizens have been held in military jails without charge or the help of lawyers. Agents were "guaranteed general purpose" with almost everything that the organization would pursue delivered legalized. Almost everything that was out of the reach of governmentnow readily accessible. People were put on no fly lists with no explanation and no obvious way to get removed. In short, we now fit almost perfectly with the description of fascism given immediately above. At present we rate a 9.

8. Unlike communist regimes, the fascist and protofascist regimes ally with the predominant religion, and usually act as militant defenders of that religion. Propaganda keeps up the illusion that the ruling elites are defenders of the faith and opponents of the "godless." Opposing the power elite is tantamount to an attack on religion.

There are numerous talk radio, independent TV stations, web sites, and periodicals of a religious orientation that constantly lambaste various aspects of governments, but their audience is so small that the government generally ignores them. Government in the U.S. is not generally seen as the defenders of the faith. I'd say 4.

9. Although the personal life of ordinary citizens is under strict control, large corporations usually operate in relative freedom. The ruling elite sees the corporate structure as a way to not only ensure military production, but also as an additional means of social control. Members of the economic elite are often pampered by the political elite to ensure a continued mutuality of interests, especially in the repression of "have-not" citizens.

Actually, it's nearly meaningless to speak of "government" and "big business," since the lines of demarcation are so loose and routinely ignored. Generals approve the purchase of 0 toilet seats, then retire to become a member of the board of at least one global corporation. Top executives at major defense corporations such as Boeing are appointed as Secretary of Defense, etc. The incest is to dominant that the people involved must have a hard time deciding which set of clothes to wear each morning. Although ordinary citizens are not usually under strict overt control, the government and huge corporations are constantly accumulating almost any information at all about the public. Departments of the government have tried repeatedly to force citizens to submit to ID cards that tells an official almost everything known about you, to implanted chips so you are monitored twenty four hours a day. On the other hand large corporations can operate in almost total freedom. In fact, the Obama government has been quite busy bailing out corporations from their own mismanagement at the expense of the general public. I would give us a 8 going toward 9 out of 10 on this one.

10. Since organized labor is seen as the one power center that could challenge the political hegemony of the ruling elite and its corporate allies, it is usually crushed or made powerless. The poor are viewed with suspicion or outright contempt.

Government troops have maimed and killed striking workers as late as 1940. Until lately, special "futuristicly" equipped special "police" with helmets, plastic face shields, armor over critical body sites have attacked labor actions with Mace, tazers, cattle prods, clubs, and various other weapons. Under the Obama government, however, organized labor has had an almost totally free hand, and has gotten pretty much out of control. Some of the powers the Obama government seems prepared to give them seem totally illegal. I give this one a 5 out of 10 because of the temporary nature of the benevolence. This factor definitely does not fit current government-union relationships described above AT THE PRESENT TIME.

11. Intellectuals and the inherent freedom of ideas and expression associated with them are rejected by these regimes. Intellectual and academic freedom are considered subversive to national security and the patriotic ideal. The government controls the universities, and politically unreliable faculty are harassed or dismissed. Unorthodox ideas or expressions of dissent are strongly attacked, silenced, or crushed. Under these regimes, art and literature are required to serve the national interest.

There is no noticeable effort on the part of government to suppress or denigrate intellectuals. There is no apparent government interest in intellectuals one way or the other. The picture changes markedly, however, if we expand intellectuals to include advanced sciences. While intelligent, scientists are not usually thought of as intellectuals such as historians, political science professors, and authors furthering the governments goals. In this case, government can be lavish with research funding, access to subjects (military, prisoners), and state of the art facilities. Since the focus here is on government action historically, I'd have to give this a 7.

12. Most of these regimes maintain Draconian systems of criminal justice with huge prison populations. The police are highly regarded, have almost unchecked power, and practice rampant abuse. "Normal" and political crime is often merged into trumped-up criminal charges and sometimes used against political opponents. Fear and hatred of criminals or "traitors" is used as an excuse for more police power.

Historically there was a very strong culture of apprehending and punishing criminals on the part of law enforcement agencies, and abuse was "often" but not "common." The government seemed content with the activities of official law enforcement agencies. The FBI under Hoover approached or met this standard, especially concerning the detection of communists and organized crime. Law enforcement was very proactive during the prohibition era, and has been self motivated in the war on drugs (some claim that's because law enforcement agencies profit from it), but there is no need for motivation from government. The top levels of all three branches seem content to let law enforcement agencies continue without motivation from above. Since 9/11 law enforcement has been almost fanatical about "terrorists," even though civilian professionals say there is almost no chance of catching "professional terrorists" before they strike. The country is just too porous, police always have to be careful of minorities to avoid attention from the American Civil Liberties Union, and the sheer volume of material of all sorts coming into this country daily make detection of instruments of mass destruction almost impossible to stop. There is no need for extra motivation from top government levels. Congress has historically been very willing to criminalize various sorts of activities which goes back to the earliest days of the country, and has passed many laws concerning victimless crime or consensual crime, notably drug use, and has very harsh and excessive penalties. For example, growing marijuana almost always results in ten years in prison, clearly excessive. Sex crimes against children merit very harsh sentences, possibly death in some states. Our prisons are, in fact, seriously over crowded, even to the point in some states that prisoners are housed in tents. It's true that pre-9/11 police were seen in a favorable light, with very popular "cop" TV series. However, police did not receive unrestricted power although they often acted unlawfully in relatively minor ways, such as exceeding their authority in looking for drugs during a routine traffic stop. The public rarely made an issue of such minor infractions. However, post 9/11 law enforcement has become very highly aggressive and disrespectful of the public. For instance, in arresting a person accused of domestic violence, they often rough up the suspect and go to ridiculous lengths in searching and restraining the person, who would almost always obediently enter the police car without the tight restraints and harsh handling. Security regulations are now very strict, and the public associates all law enforcement with the over zealous action and hostile attitudes of airport screeners, etc. Except for the unduly harsh penalties meted out by Congress, most of the obsessive behavior occurs at lowers levels, not as a result of prodding from the highest levels of government. Since the basic motivation does not seem to come from the highest levels of government, I would give this a strong 7, but given the lack of control over law enforcement, I'll have to go 8.

13. Those in business circles and close to the power elite often use their position to enrich themselves. This corruption works both ways; the power elite receives financial gifts and property from the economic elite, who in turn gain the benefit of government favoritism. Members of the power elite are in a position to obtain vast wealth from other sources as well, such as by stealing national resources. With national security under control and the media muzzled, corruption is largely unconstrained and not well understood by the general population.

This certainly applies to our government. Indirect proof of this is the fact that election campaigns often spend millions to elect a certain person to a job officially paying about 0,000. Obviously such an investment is made on the expectation that the politician will route huge funds to the donors once in office. Observers have for decades questioned the "revolving door" between the Pentagon and other government institutions and major corporations, but there is no effort to stop it because those who would have to take action expect to benefit from the system themselves in the future. The American practice differs slightly from the description above in that the public is well aware of the practice, but have no way to eliminate the system since the people involved ARE the system. Improper actions are sometimes undertaken right in the spotlight of the public. In a recent attempt to pass a major and unprecedented healthcare bill the U.S. president made major corrupt deals with lawmakers to back his program. For example, he publicly promised a senator one hundred million dollars for a hospital in return for his vote, and appointed the brother of one holdout to the Federal bench. The public knows full well that such corruption is rampant, but it usually occurs out of the public's view. Many people have run for public office on the "promise to clean things up." Much, if not most, of these promises were sincere. But newly elected politicians run smack up against the system which controls its members in a multitude of way. These include office and clerical assistance, appointment to committees (some are always in the limelight, some the public has never heard of), postage allowance, and on and on until the newcomer learns his or her place. There are no "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" any more. Toe the mark, or serve only one term. I originally gave this one a 9, but with the arrival of Obamacide on the scene, this one now definitely rates a strong 10.

14.Bogus elections in the form of plebiscites or public opinion polls are common. When actual elections are held, the power elite always gets the desired result. Common methods include maintaining control of the election machinery, intimidating and disenfranchising opposition voters, destroying or disallowing legal votes, and, as a last resort, turning to a judiciary beholden to the power elite.

Election fraud exists, and everybody knows it exists, but it is more prevalent, or rather blatant, in some parts of the country. For example, the fraud in Chicago is well known, and accusations of fraud seem to occur more frequently in the South than in the country at large, but the practice undoubtedly occurs nationwide. In a recent election, uniformed members of the New Black Panthers menaced prospective white voters and discouraged some people from voting at all. The Justice Department established the guilt of the persons involved, had the case wrapped up except for some final action, but our president openly blocked any punishment. Votes are destroyed or disallowed for some reason or another pretty much routinely. In the 2000 election mentioned above, one party attempted to disallow the absentee ballots of members of the military. In the same election votes were almost identical for the candidates but allegedly slightly in favor of the democrat. The republican, whose brother was governor of the state, managed to get the controversy in front of the state's attorney general, who ruled in favor of the republican. She happened to be republican. As I recall, the Constitution stipulates that the House of Representatives will resolve such disputed elections, but it wound up at the Supreme Court instead. It declared the republican the winner. Since fraudulent elections occur regularly in this country, I will give this factor a 9.

So, how do we rate overall? The calculator gives a 7. What does this tell us? Mathematically, a 7 would indicate that we are just barely above average on fascism. But that's a little misleading because we tend to be significantly higher or lower, not "between" mean as 7. Maintain self-knowledge in terms of trends, rather than a photograph seems to be very useful for us, so my opinion on the trend, and assuming the geopolitical aspects of their current trajectory, I would say that we have developed in a typically fascist state. Before Obama actually came into office, I would expect that we have a departure from a trend toward fascism, but in reality, Obama, Bush has maintained the trendtoward more fascism. The only outstanding difference is Obama's slavish stance toward Big Unionism. Obama's reign will slightly moderate a trend toward more fascism, but I definitely don't see this as the evolving trend.

The real purpose of the World Trade Center disaster was to allow the global elite to pretty much do away with the Constitution, at which they succeeded. The Patriot Acts, Military Commissions act, and countless other restrictions on us is becoming the de-facto constitution. The determination of Obama and Clinton to abolish gun ownership through the United Nations is absolutely necessary to defeat the popular uprising once the general populace realizes that 9/11 wasn't a project dreamed up by sick terrorists laying in caves in Afghanistan, but a government coups engineered by the global elite. The only Islamic terrorists involved were the four professional pilots who crashed the planes into the Towers. They did not look like terrorists because they had no middle eastern traits, which was because they were Northern European converts, who looked just like everybody on the planes. The planes were just to add drama to the production, they made a lot of fire and smoke but had nothing to do with the collapse.

And, speaking of the collapse, would terrorists out to do all the damage possible to the U.S. and the morale of Americans bother to rig the blasts so that the towers would fall into their own footprints, causing almost no collateral damage? Collateral damage would have been a blessing to real terrorists. So who were the real terrorists? According to my information there are only four or five organizations worldwide who could have engineered the collapse the way it did. One of them is Israel. Did they do it? Who knows? What possible motive could they have to do such a thing to friend? First, at the level of world governments there are no real allies, only temporarily useful "arrangements." Think of the "friends" who have deserted us lately. Turkey. Brazil. Iran (so its been a while.) I'd have to check on the rest. Think of the enemies who have become "friends." England. Mexico. Spain. Germany. Japan. Russia?? Italy.

Getting back to why Israel MIGHT have engineered 9/11. Without the United States backing them up, even ignoring gross atrocities, Israel would be history. It's not Israel's nukes that are keeping the Islamic world at bay. To Muslims, death fighting Israel is GOOD. The power of the United States keeps things under control. But there is growing evidence that some people are wondering why we give Israel Billions every year while Obama is driving us to bankruptcy. Others are reading more and more articles about the true relationship between the Israeli's and Islam. Reportedly, Palestinians have made several proposals that seemed reasonable enough, but something always blocked Israeli acceptance. Horror of horrors, more and more Americans are wondering just how long this constant bloodshed is going to last. More and more Americans are asking, "Why are Islamic countries our enemies? They seem OK to me." In other words, so the theory goes, the Israelis felt American unity with them was slowly drifting away. But why would America assent/assist in such a horror? I told you already. The eighty people, more or less, known as the Bilderbergers, who actually run the world largely through moving money here and there, got tired of waiting for us to collapse from our own stupidity and decided to move things forward towards a world government. Think that sounds crazy? So I. Then I started to read and read, and showed some videos in my classes that define how people like Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and perform other thigs. This is the hardest part. Their goal, their corporate governance is held every traditional governments and, therefore, rule the world. Note: I call it the corporate governance, instead of Big Businessbecause business just isn't sufficient to describe these money empires. It would be like saying a hang glider and a Boeing 757 are both airplanes. It would be true but meaningless. So they see their Corporate Government over all the world's regular governments, over their states, provinces, whatever. The states would actually deal with people! Do you really want to be officially under the thumb of the world's richest (and craziest) people?

What does this have to do with fascism? It means that THEY wouldn't have to deal with constitutions, rights, all that nonsense. So, in my somewhat informed opinion, 9/11 was the first step, and our government HAD to be in on it.

Is The United States Neo-Fascist?

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Tuesday 4 October 2011


!±8± Hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver. Hepa is Latin for "liver" and the British inflammation suffix "itis" means. Hepatitis is characterized by other diseases such as jaundice, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal disorders, hepatomegaly, and dark urine (which is a sign of severe acidosis).

What causes hepatitis? Answer: toxemia! When an organ like the liver is too toxic, becomes inflamed and the inflammation that causes the organ to enlarge.

The liver is one of thefive channels of elimination of the body (or six channels of elimination if you're a woman). And 'the principal organ in the body for filtering more than 500 functions. And because the liver secretes certain substances, but also a gland. All the toxins are initially resisted or attacked by the liver. The liver has to fight a great task and calls for the toxicity to be able to slip into less toxic substances through the body via the blood, and fights the most deadly poisons in a divineGesture to save the host body.

Some pollutants such as tobacco smoke, alcohol / beer / wine, drugs known as vitamin C, illegal drugs (cocaine, heroin, PCP, etc.), the contraceptive pill, car exhaust and smoke, carbon monoxide, chemicals household cleaning products, cosmetics and personal care chemicals to disrupt strong, healthy liver. These things are the liver and more difficult to work overtime.

And we must not forget the toxins from the SAD (Standard AmericanDiet). Flesh is strongly associated with toxins, including sodium nitrate and nitrites that cause cancer, chemical dyes and synthetic female hormones saturated. Cow dung and milk products that contain synthetic female hormones.

Meat (slaughtered animal flesh), milk (cow's mucus / mucus / pus) and starch (stiffening agent) create acids that cause inflammation throughout the body, which in turn causes excess production of mucus in the body.

The liver is the first line of defense. Therefore,It 'important that the liver in good health. You can not live and enjoy optimal health without a clean and well-functioning liver. In fact, if you remove the letter "R" from the "liver" word, what new word you do now? Answer: LIVE!

Hepatitis is nothing but a man-made medical term for a liver problem to describe. And today, there are variants of this disease with alphabets at the end of the word, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, allthe alleged virus. And what does the "virus" word really? Answer: Poison! For Djehuty, hepatitis is not nothing but a joke, because I know that means that hepatitis mucus clogs the liver and at the same time there are many toxins in the liver is saturated. In a nutshell, is what is hepatitis.

And God forbid a person to accept the blow naive or ignorant to a vaccine for hepatitis, the hepatitis that is allegedly anti-competitive because the hepatitis vaccineis full of toxins or poisons. Losses then a vaccination against hepatitis or vaccination of the whole purpose.

It 'also important that I said that a toxic liver can play a role in depression (bipolar disorder), or even be the cause of depression. Ever heard of the term "melancholy" is? The melancholy is two words: "Melanie" and Melan = "black" and "choly" = bile "Choly .." Melancholy means black bile. The bile is originally green and very alkaline and is produced by the liver and stored inthe gallbladder and released into the digestive tract to neutralize acids. However, the acid and black bile is the fourth in the brain of the body (sometimes referred to as the fourth chakra) in the third chakra, the solar plexus called the abdomen above the umbilicus (belly button) is located is stored. The brain Fourth (solar plexus) is your brain "emotional", which means to feel "good" or "butterflies in the stomach" feeling / emotion you experience from time to time declared. If the FourthBrain is compromised, the other three brains in your head where the nervous system are in place. The human body is truly holistic and interconnected.

An important note on bile - dark green colored stools / faeces on the floor of the toilet or sink is not a good healthy sign. People with depression are people very acidic (toxic).

Liver transplants? Why would anyone outside of the head of this process and operation. How willGo to remove a toxic liver and giving the person with another person to help a person? Madness winner! The removal of a toxic liver and then replaced them with some other toxic liver! Medical madness! Poor ex-NFL player and Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton! He did not want to die. Payton died of liver disease presumably unique. But in all reality, Payton died of ignorance, the truth (there is no cure for every disease known to man).

Liver transplantation is highdeveloped economies. They are completely useless if you have knowledge of large amounts of natural liver (in relation to the liver), herbal in nature.

Liver transplantation is a big business nowadays. They are completely useless if you have knowledge of large amounts of natural liver (in relation to the liver), herbal in nature.

Healing during hepatitis

Liver excellent or liver herbs include milk thistle seed, dandelion root, Boldo, Artichoke,Turmeric, Grape Oregon barberry, goldenseal root, Bupleurem, Gentian, greek hay seed, Chanca Piedra, Fringetree bark, bark, wahoo, liver, blue flag, white peony, CELADINA, Agrimony and Quassia chips to name a few. By far, the three (3) for the best herbs', liver milk thistle seed, dandelion root and Boldo. Milk thistle seed is the equivalent of less than the liver from the body and washing machine.

Many people today consume synthetic vitamin C.that offers absolutely NO vitamin C or other nutrients. In fact, most vitamin C is conventionally sold commercially and only consume ascorbic acid in a laboratory and this particular vitamin C is very poison, and tax your liver. Vitamin C is true in nature (seeds of rose hips, hibiscus flower, acerola cherry, camu fruit, Alma, fruit, peppers, etc.) found.

Question: If your vitamin C from ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid is derived from where? God does not wantmake a clean structured mono-ascorbic acid. But the man lives, and here lies the problem.

Coffee enemas

The coffee enema works wonders for the liver. It can be done once a month. Coffee (organic, of course) makes the liver toxins download as a log dump. This process is one of the best treatment for a liver toxic. Worried about caffeine? Well, if the coffee is managed through the rectum, is not included caffeine in the body. The caffeine is absorbed only when the coffee is drunk withmouth. Singer Janet Jackson performs coffee enemas. Janet knows something very attractive about coffee enemas. In addition, coffee enemas are ideal to overcome the hangover and headache.

Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil pack process is one of my favorite liver cleansing. Apply castor oil on your liver (outside of course) and then place a piece of plastic over (it will be very sticky) and then give you a warm wrap and let rest for about two (2) hours. ThisProcess is performed lying down and sliding it under a towel or newspaper as the oil down on the side of the body. Castor oil pack process can also be performed 3-4 months or every month.

Activated carbon (coal)

Carbon or charcoal is the best substance on the planet Earth that we have now, which purifies the body in general and in particular the liver of toxins. Carbon is a material very powerful! It 'very alkaline and neutralizes toxins, heavy metals andnoxious gases 2,000 times its own weight. Therefore, we have carbon in our Full Body Detox kit included. The kit would be incomplete without them.

Olive oil and castor oil

Olive oil lubricates and cleanses the liver and helps dissolve the calculations set (stones) as kidney stones, and gall bladder. One tablespoon of olive oil can be consumed per day or, if necessary. Castor oil has the same function as olive oil, but also anthelmintic (anti-parasitic) in nature, such as castor oildrowned worms and parasites in the gut and liver.


Fasting is also a good choice and a process for cleansing the liver. Fasting purifies the blood, which in turn cleanses all the organs of the body, particularly the organs of elimination (bowel, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin).

Finally, the liver is an organ that is naturally of toxins by large quantities of poison / toxins we consume daily saturated. The liver contains more dirt. Mothers, you mustnow I understand why children do not eat or do not like to eat liver? As a kid, I hated eating liver and never really consumed. If you eat an animal, the liver, which is eating the most toxic of the animal.

And take all of these products on the market in liver health food stores night. My brother had some liver cleansing pills back in the mid-1990, which were obtained from cattle (cows, oxen). He has no idea until I read the bottle. The main part of thisespecially the liver "beef liver." Now the product, how can the consumption of cow's liver cleanse the human liver? Madness and stupidity! And my brother just over $ 60 dollars paid for this crap.

There are many natural things and processes that will not heal a person 100% of hepatitis, in particular herbs can help. My good friend Bro. Sheik Mahmoud Bey told me a few months ago, as a good friend of his who had hepatitis, has given a complete detoxification of the body and have completed the 3 weeksand treatment and returned to the doctor for an examination and was informed by the doctor that her hepatitis had been told me. I have helped many people with so-called hepatitis either with the Full Body Detox or our liver-gall bladder, spleen, formula, formula, and vitamin C combo So I'm saying on the disc and the American public that hepatitis (A, B and C) are easily cured with herbs and dietary changes.

Do you know why the actor / comedian George Burns could smoke cigars and drink alcoholstill living, age at 100 years? Answer: because in addition to laughing (which is great medicine), the liver and colon cleaned almost every weekend with the liver and colon cleansing herbs High (now "colon") and enemas. The man was smart (in this sense) and I knew that something the average person did not know. But what did George Burns and implemented, I just went in this short article.

Thanks for reading!

This article complimentsDjehuty Ma'at-Ra and www.DHERBS.Com, People's Republic of Herbs

Dherbs ... The experience of healing

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Monday 26 September 2011

Bathtub faucet repair tips and techniques

!±8± Bathtub faucet repair tips and techniques

Did you know that you have a leaky faucet repair shower and save hundreds of gallons of water per year? Most people think of a dripping faucet as an annoyance and I do not know how precious water is wasted one drop at a time. The good news is that almost everyone can learn a few basic tools, like most repair dripping faucets.

Let's start with the basics. The valves have a primary purpose, so that the water used for pipes in a controlled manner. Thismeans to open to allow water from the pipes and keep the water near the pipes. No rocket science, right? The final part is what I want to concentrate here.

There are two basic tap

Faucets drip when you complete the case, the water in the tubes do not. Most faucets use one of two basic methods to stop the flow of water. Some, especially the larger designs, use rubber or neoprene washers which tighten against a "place" and block the flow of water. AbandonmentThese taps are for replacing the windows and / or sitting. We are, as there is no mention that in a minute. Most other faucet designs involve some sort of cartridge. Some people call it "washerless" fittings. Repair faucets latest style such as these usually with replacement cartridge (s).

Windows and seats

Older designs often use washers to block the tap water and keep it in the pipes. Clutching the handle compresses the washer against a "seat" and seals theOpening stop, so that the flow of water. When you repair a bathtub faucet handle three taps on a wall, you probably need this. You must also be done in this style, if you fix a leaky faucet has two handles, shower cap. Many toilets and sink fixtures and windows. One way to tell if your tap is used discs to see if the handle is more difficult to rotate as you turn off. If the drop is really tight stops, this is likely, but not always, means thathave washers. If you have a leaky faucet, the discs, the basic repair process is very similar if you know what you need to repair a shower faucet, repair a leaky faucet or bath faucet fix a leaky sink. There is one important difference.

Bathtub Faucet Repair

The only important thing to remember, tap on the definition of a tank that loses is you have to turn off the water, cut around the entire house before removing any parts other than the outside. IfNot sure that the pieces are cut, simply turn the water first, just in case. Once you start the water main to the house, things are rotated separately. There are many brands and styles of devices out there, and everyone has a little 'different, so you need to sort your way through.

Remove the backing

The first step is to remove the handles. This is usually put through the removal of a cap screw socket and then remove the finishedLives. Then remove the handle. This requires some 'skill, because it manages to occasionally get stuck in its place. One trick is to lock the handles of a pair of pliers channel behind the valve handle, place one on each side, and touch evenly on the handle to push too loose. If it fails, you can remove a special tool handles, but these tools are sometimes difficult to find and usually a little 'patience is all you need to do the trick.

Once the handles are off, there is usually someSleeve type on the same stem. This rule has also come. Once again, there are many different configurations. One popular design uses threaded plastic tubes to cut the sleeve for connection to the valve. Other species have bolted directly to the sleeve valve. You have to understand this step before proceeding. If you can not determine which valves are brand is a good probability of on-line instructions.

Now for the root of the problem

OK, sohave removed both the handles and cut the remainder of the valve sleeve. Now you're ready to get to the root of the problem, your valve stem. The disc is almost always at the other end of the valve stem from the handle. Usually the stem is screwed into the valve body and lives just enough to remove it. Here's a tip. Gluing the handle back for a second, and open the valve half way. This relieves the ordinary and makes it easier to unscrew. Now you just doBe sure to loosen the true mother.

Many valves have a packing nut around the stem. There is usually a little 'smaller and just before the actual connection to the valve body. The packing nut is the end, some special packaging material around the trunk to catch the water leaking around the stem when the valve is in operation to prevent crushing. Loosening the packing nut will not help you, you need to get the keys on the actual connection to the valve body. By the way, is often a deep socketthe only tool that will work to remove the valve stem.

Remove the valve stem

The easiest way to ensure that is the real mother to see if there is a gap between the nut and the valve body as you can loosen the bolt. The stem of the valve itself generally apply even if you might be right. If you have accidentally loosened the packing nut, do not worry, you can adjust before you are ready for anything. Go ahead and remove the two tribes and those which remainMany questions on the valves.

Once the stems off, it should be possible to find the disc on the "inside." If stolen, broken or brittle, it is likely that the cause of the leakage. Although it looks new, go ahead and replace it. You've come a long way. You can replace disks in almost any hardware store to get. Sometimes it may be necessary to replace the entire stem, especially when the handle end of it. In the best case is simply the stem with you to the store and see if youcan you pay. Most shops have to do it yourself replacement handles for many popular brands. If your valve is a valve to turn off the center of the shower spout the same process applies. It is often easier to change the date on which replace repair. That really depends on the design of the stem.

How are your seats?

Another thing to check is the seats. These are part of the valve that turns the wheel to brace against waterflow. If you can get your fingers inside and feel the valve seat and see if they feel rough. If so, it would be better to replace them when you leave. The interior of the seats that, when water flows when the valve is open, both generally have a hollow hexagonal or square. Registered special key used to remove the seats. In general, you can key in the same place you get the other parties and are not expensive. Simply plug the key through the seat and. Unscrew the screw replacement seats in the same way, only a small tube of drugs on the threads before installing.

Putting it all together

Once you understand what needs to be replaced and this is done, you just need to put everything back together. If it's not your nuts valve packing up to return the trim to turn the water back. Once in the water, you go ahead and hold the handle for a second and open the valve. Make sure there are no water leaksaround the trunk. If the losses, opened with the handle half way comfortable, stops packing nut until the leak. Ease of use. If the tight grip, it will be difficult to turn. Now install the pieces and you're done.

Repair faucets latest style

If you have a valve latest, "washerless" type, the repair process is similar, but simpler in general. Many of these use a self-contained cartridge type valves. If the valve starts to leak, just replace theCartridge and you're done. You have to turn off the water and remove the trim and handles. The cartridge is usually held in place by a nut case or in the case of multiple valves, Moen, a pocket clip. Simply remove the cartridge and put another in its place. If your back hot and cold when you're done, turn the water back, remove the cartridge back, turn 180 degrees and reinstall it.

Delta-style valves

Another common designThis is a "washerless" has become famous and copied by many other manufacturers of Delta. Use small "cup" seals, the depth of the springs in the rear of the valve body fit. The springs press the "seals" against the cartridge and adjust the flow through small holes in the tapered cartridge. If you have one of these and drips, the change of these springs and seals usually correct. Here's a tip. Once half of the cartridge, insert a Phillips screwdriverboth the seal and pop the seal and spring. Connect the new aid by the end of the screwdriver around, it clicks. This is especially useful if you do not have long, slender fingers.

Delta and imitators, including a valve design that uses a ball instead of a cartridge. This is not so common in the tub or shower valves, but there are plenty of them out there. The springs and seals are the same, but there are many more O-rings for the treatment of a part. The good news is thatThese parts are easily accessible. While it is a bit 'harder than learning how to be a Moen kitchen faucet, which is a piece of cake for the repair, it is still easier than working with most of the washer type faucets.

These techniques work in the kitchen, Too

Armed with the knowledge gained in this article, you must know not only how to repair a shower faucet repair a leaky faucet bathtub, but you can apply these skills to many other accessories as well. After fixing a leaky bathtubStop a faucet dripping outside hose faucet to be a breeze. The techniques used to create a tap "washerless" repair bathtub is used when the repair is complete newer style water faucets of all kinds. If you have an old bathtub faucet leaky faucet or a newer kitchen, which can not simply turn off, is to solve the problem now. Then these new skills to use, roll up your sleeves and stop that drip!

Copyright 2008 Bryan Stevens

Bathtub faucet repair tips and techniques

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Saturday 24 September 2011

American Standard Champion two-piece elongated toilet height Four Law Review

!±8± American Standard Champion two-piece elongated toilet height Four Law Review

The bathroom is one of the dirtiest places in the house for good reasons. If you are in a public space, then surely you do not want a public toilet for good reason the head. The toilet is full of germs and bacteria. If not treated properly can be a nightmare to manage. Why you should invest in a toilet right? First, if you get a cheap toilet then break often. It can cause problems such as loss of water pipes. You would not want to piss on all flowson the bathroom floor. Cheap toilets tend to clog more easily so that it could be a rather embarrassing moment when you will not have a plumbing tool with you. For these reasons, we have a look at the American Standard Champion two-piece elongated toilet Four at the right height. This bathroom has received rave reviews from customers, and we have a look at the advantages, disadvantages, specific comments, and the primary functions of this product bathroom.

First, the American Standard toiletused to provide a combination of ADA elongated toilet, which is basically a tank and a bowl. Toilets need to go to traditional squats, which can be extremely painful. ADA elongated toilet with the combination, you can enjoy your spa experience in a comfortable position. The American Standard Champion toilet Four two-piece elongated right height and the washing system of the four world titles. The four washing system has the largest sample valve in the toilet trap and the way of history.This allows the toilet of a color to produce strong but quiet. Made of wire with this system, you will never have any problems constipation, even if you have a lot of stuff in the toilet tissue.

That is, the American Standard Champion two-piece elongated toilet Four right amount of height that can issue more than any other toilet on the market. the big event, you can release more than forty percent of the mass of normal. This bathroom is equipped with Everclean Surface Technology.This technology basically uses silver ions to protect a patented additive on the surface of mold, algae and other types of dirt and bacteria. With this technology in hand, if the Cabinet to take longer and be more satisfying when you head to the bathroom. A customer noticed that he was very happy with the cleaning. He said that this cabinet would not even be able to wash a bucket of golf balls, although he would never try.

American Standard Champion two-piece elongated toilet height Four Law Review

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